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8 Important Things to Remember When Selling Your Home

Wednesday June 12, 2024


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Selling your home can be an exciting and busy time. It’s easy to get caught up in the madness, but it’s essential that you don’t. During this time, you need to have everything prepared and ready to go. For the best results, you and your Realtor® should work together to create a comprehensive and strategic plan. Before you get too far into the process of selling your home, take a look at some of the most important things to remember first.

1. Repair and Replace

If you’ve been planning to sell for a while, chances are you’ve gradually made larger upgrades to the home. Still, nearly every listing will get better results with a little attention and a few improvements. You will be amazed at the difference even minor updates can make. 

When you want to sell your house quickly and at the best price possible, you’re going to have to make it shine. This is the time to perform those updates that have been placed on the backburner all these years. This includes painting, calling your plumber to fix those little leaks, repairing holes in walls, replacing house numbers, updating any outdated appliances, re-caulking or re-grouting tiles in the bathroom and kitchen and fixing any broken locks, doors, screens or any other minor upgrades that need to be done. 

Of course, each home is different. Significant upgrades like a kitchen remodel can often make it easier to sell a house, but will also take time and money. Your real estate agent can help you weigh the costs against the potential return to ensure it is worth your while.

If you’re unsure, consider the impression on the buyer if you choose not to make a certain repair. If it’s something they are likely to want to do themselves, you can save yourself the hassle. However, if a minor issue inadvertently sets off red flags in the buyer’s mind, it is worth fixing first. A repair that costs a couple of hundreds dollars now might mean the difference between a fast sale or sitting on the market. If you’re still in doubt, your local real estate expert can help. 

Looking for more ideas on how to get your home show worthy? The posts below will give you a great starting point:

2. Landscaping

Curb appeal should never be underestimated when selling your home. Remember that the outside is the first thing a potential buyer will see, and you want to make the best possible first impression. You don’t necessarily have to spend a fortune on landscaping, and you don’t have to (nor should you) invest in something major like a swimming pool or sunroom.

Once again, a few minor upgrades can go a long way when it comes to selling your home. If you can impress the passersby who see your “for sale” sign, potential buyers will also be intrigued.

Small upgrades that can improve the curb appeal of your house include:

  • Green, even grass
  • Colourful flower gardens
  • Outdoor furniture
  • Updated mailbox and/or house numbers
  • Exterior lighting and pathway illumination

Simply arranging the outdoor furniture in a way that promotes a welcoming atmosphere can be especially helpful. For example, a dining or lounging area on the porch or backyard helps buyers imagine spending time outside with their friends and loved ones.

3. Décor and Clutter

Nearly everyone understands that decluttering is important before selling a home. However, not as many people fully understand the reason why this matters so much. You want potential buyers to be able to envision themselves living inside your house. Clutter is a major deterrent, which is why cleaning and decluttering relentlessly is critical before buyers come through. 

Your personal photos and souvenirs might mean a lot to you, but potential buyers don’t need the reminder that this is your space. The best way to describe this process is to think of it as creating a blank canvas. Nothing you can do can appeal more to a buyer than what they “see” for themselves. You’re allowing them to fall in love with your home rather than trying to force a certain aesthetic.

The best thing you can do to sell successfully is to help them see their own life instead of yours. To ensure that they can do so, simply put your personal items into storage bins and store away neatly and take this time to declutter your home. Taking this step will also help you when it comes time for you to pack your home and move.

Once your personal items have been stored away, you can add a few finishing touches to the aesthetic of each room. You can appeal to the tastes of just about everybody with neutral and soft pastel colours.

4. Home Staging

Staging your home professionally is a key step in the selling process. By staging each room, you can truly bring the full potential of your home to light for potential buyers. You can help highlight the features of each room, all while helping enhance the size and functionality of each space.

However, before you invest in any furniture in artwork, it’s important to know that there is a big difference between designing your home for your own purposes and staging it to sell. 

Staging to sell is about capturing a buyer’s imagination and increasing their excitement about the idea of living in your home. Often, it can facilitate a faster sale and help you earn more money from the process.

Many real estate agents and teams work with various home staging companies. Woolcott Real Estate doesn’t stop with a consultation – we provide complimentary staging services to every client we represent!

5. Deep-Cleaning

It’s time for a little elbow grease. Giving your home a deep-cleaning improves the aesthetic throughout your house and can even eliminate odours. This is especially important if children or pets currently live in your house. 

  • Take this time to clean all windows, inside and out, which will allow for maximum sunlight inside the house. 
  • Shampoo and vacuum all carpets, wash and wax floors and trim, scrub tile and grout in the bathroom and kitchen areas.
  • You can also consider power washing the outside of your home, which removes years of dust and deep-seated dirt and can make the exterior seem brand new. 
  • Don’t forget to scrub the inside and underneath appliances, especially if you plan to include them in the sale of your home. 

After everything is sparkling clean, adding some house plants or fresh cut flowers can really boost the final result.

6. Organize Your Documents

Having all of your documents and paperwork organized and ready can really help save time. Not only will you be providing your real estate agent, banking institution and everybody else with the correct information, but you’ll be speeding along the process and verifying your credibility too.

Having the deed, any receipts from recent renovations, transferable warranties and home inspection reports easily accessible is a critical part of a seamless transaction – especially when it comes time to close.

During the selling process, you’ll also want to ensure you have fast access to your listing agreement with your Realtor®, and the agreement of sale. Since these are often digital, we recommend saving them in a labeled folder in your inbox as well as downloading them to your computer. 

7. Moving Essentials

If your house is on the market or has been purchased – it’s go time.

This is where the fun begins. You have a chance to sort through everything you’ve accumulated over the years, sort through what you’d like to keep, toss, or sell and really declutter and organize your life. Once you’ve decided what is going to move with you, you need to pack it and move it properly. Creating a moving checklist will help you stay organized and on schedule.

Your checklist could include the following:

  • Boxes
  • Storage containers/tubs
  • Bubble wrap
  • Moving vehicle(s)
  • Movers and helpers
  • Arrange time away from work
  • Arrange for pet or child care
  • Installation of services (Hydro, Cable, Internet, Telephone, etc.)

You should also make a list of the services that you must change your address with. This includes your Ontario Health Card, Ontario Drivers License, Passport, Hydro, cell phone companies, banks, credit cards, work and schools.

Would a little more background knowledge about the market make you feel more at ease about your big move coming up? The posts below might help:

8. Select a Realtor®

Arguably, selecting a reputable and experienced Realtor® is the first and most important step. There are so many benefits to working with a real estate agent or real estate team. An experienced professional can help you sell your home quickly and at the best price possible. Not to mention the assistance that they can provide with the paperwork, home staging, financial aspects and more. There is no substitute for this guidance and support when in the middle of a life-changing event like selling and moving to a new home.

Are you planning to sell a home in Hamilton, Burlington or the surrounding areas? Our experienced real estate team is ready and waiting to help every step of the way. Reach out to us right here or call 905-332-9223 for more information.