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How Will Inflation Impact You When Selling Your Home?

Monday June 3, 2024


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Everyone is aware of rising costs in this day and age. You can’t so much as go out for coffee or brunch without noticing the price creep. A dollar there, a dollar here—it seems that nothing is safe from  inflation.

If you’re selling a house, you may anticipate earning a high profit thanks to the rising prices of real estate. However, the increasing costs of everyday life can also affect your transaction. In this post, we’ll explore the challenges of selling your home for outstanding results even in a market where buyers are closely watching their funds.

Understand Your Buyer’s Perspective

You can really begin to understand how inflation affects your sale when you think about the transaction from your buyer’s point of view. This could be a simple task if you plan on buying a new house after yours sells–because you will soon be in their shoes! How will you feel in the next few months as you begin to navigate the market?

When you begin to browse the listings, it can seem that the only thing not going through the roof is your income. You may need to rearrange your funds to come up with a down payment and budget carefully to ensure you’ll be able to handle your monthly mortgage, all while being prepared for any maintenance or repairs.

On top of all of this, you have your daily living expenses that keep getting higher as time passes. These rising costs are something you will bear in mind as you create your home-buying budget. You might even find yourself reconsidering the size of house you need and what neighbourhood you decide to settle down in.

Now that you’ve put yourself in your buyer’s shoes, you have a better idea of what you’re up against when selling your home during times of high inflation. You can begin to create a strategy to meet these challenges.

Knowing what buyers want is the first step to selling in any market. The posts below will give you some valuable insight:

Targeted Marketing

Effective marketing in real estate doesn’t just mean reaching the maximum number of people. When the market is slower and buyers are being more selective, we want to reach the right demographic. Casting a wide net wastes time and money. Zeroing in on those who are most likely to buy is the key to a successful sale.

An experienced real estate team will have numerous tools at their disposal to help you narrow it down. It starts with an online listing with beautiful photos on high-traffic websites where buyers are seriously looking. 

Customized marketing plans will combine the most effective online and offline strategies to target qualified buyers wherever and whenever they are searching. Even that is just the beginning. The real power is actually in networking, which is why it’s recommended that you work with a well-connected real estate team.  

A Spot-On Pricing Strategy

Setting a low price might seem like a sure way of selling your house quickly. However, there are some flaws in this strategy.

  1. Selling your home at a fair price is essential so you will be able to move on to your next step.
  2. A price that’s too low can actually backfire. Buyers may see a red flag rather than great value and simply move on to the next listing. 

Your pricing must make sense to you and your buyer to sell your home successfully. The perfect amount communicates excellent value to your buyer while empowering you for whatever comes next in your life.

Impeccable Presentation Is Critical

Presentation has always been a factor in the successful sale of a house. It’s even more critical now that inflation is top of mind for everyone. The good news is that there are still people in search of a home like yours.

However, they tend to be more discerning about what they want and need. Many are still willing to pay more for great value, but you have to help them see your home for the gem that it is.

You’ll need to take your home presentation to a whole new level if you want to earn top dollar from your sale. Before potential buyers come to visit, each room should feel warm, welcoming and absolutely pristine. Here are a few ways to prepare your house to impress: 

  • Clean and declutter until your home is spotless and everything is in its place.
  • Put away all personal photos and mementos so that your buyer can see it as their home rather than your space.
  • If there are minor repairs, be sure to make them before buyers come through. You may be surprised at how much a fresh coat of paint can transform a room.
  • Remember to tidy up the outside, especially the front yard. You’ll want to ensure your home looks stunning from the outside since this is the first thing a buyer will see. Many people highly value outdoor spaces, so make them as visually appealing as possible.
  • Professional staging can enhance the effect and allow your buyer to imagine what it’s like to live in your space. It’s a technique that can lead to a faster and more successful sale, which is why Woolcott Real Estate provides complimentary staging services to all clients.

Looking for more ideas to turn your home into a showstopper? The resources below will give you some ideas:

Patience Is Essential

Selling your home during high inflation may be more challenging. It may take time to get the results you want, and rushing the process will only cause unnecessary stress.

With a flexible strategy and a healthy dose of patience, it is still possible to sell your home and be happy with the results. A local real estate team can help you stay positive and proactive while advocating on your behalf. 

Do you have questions about selling your home in the current market? Our team of experts is happy to help with anything you need. Contact us here or call 905-332-9223 to connect with us right away. 

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